Save junk for when you have a character with high repair in order to maximize what you get. You can break down equipment and stuff for parts to craft things, but at the game’s start it’s not worth it.Prestige classes are unlocked halfway through the game based on your alignment, staying grey means you won’t unlock them.If you go full light side or full dark side, you’ll get a stat bonus, you get nothing for staying grey.At one point you’ll have to go off on your own without party members, and he’ll end up in a fight, if he isn’t well set up you might end up stuck and unable to continue. The first companion you get is a rogue guy, even if you don’t take him with you on missions do not neglect his equipment.If you have any tips feel free to share with us! Things to Know Before Playing However, we do know that it will be dropping sometime during the upcoming 2021 holiday season and continue running throughout 2022 with plenty of new content, events, and updates.Before you play the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords game, you will definitely want to know these simple but useful tips and tricks. There's no official release date yet for the Star Wars: The Old Republic's Legacy of the Sith expansion.

The expansion will also streamline the itemization and loadout experience, as well as class design. For anyone who wants to spin up a new alt, you'll be able to do so with the refactored character creation system. Players can choose whatever class story they want and also combine it with any ability set from any other related tech or force-wielding class.

It comes with some huge quality of life upgrades, as well as options for customizing your character like never before. The "Combat Styles" feature will be a huge upgrade for anyone and everyone who loves character creation. RELATED: 'Bloodshot' Director Dave Wilson Talks Vin Diesel and a Potential 'Star Wars: The Old Republic' Adaptation